Lancashire Big Sing launches virtual singing this June!

Children both in schools and at home are invited to be part of our Lancashire Big Sing!

Thousands of children across our region were due to be part of our ‘Big Sings’ this year and Lancashire Music Hub were still determined to bring together as many voices as possible in these challenging times. As a result Lancashire Music Hub and its partners in the Big Signs project have launched the ‘Virtual’  Lancashire Big Sing. The virtual singing session will take place on Lancashire Music Service YouTube channel available to young singers at home or in school.

Subscribe HERE to our YouTube channel where you’ll receive everything you need to join in.


Starting on Monday 15th June at 11am LMH will release warm up videos and rehearsal tracks for the songs involved with help from our two Big Sing Leaders; Emma Williams and Tim Uffindell. Then on Thursday 25th June  schools and individuals are invited to join together for a complete performance of the songs.

Videos will be released daily, as follows and will be available until the end of July 2020;

Monday 15th June – Warm Up 1 and Song 1

Tuesday 16th June  – Warm Up 2 and Song 2

Wednesday 17th June – Song 3

Thursday 18th June – Song 4

Friday 19th June  – Song 5

Monday 22nd June  – Get Your Voice Going 1

Tuesday 23rd June  – Get Your Voice Going 2

Wednesday 24th June  – Get Your Voice Going 3

Thursday 25th June – COMPLETE Virtual Big Sing!

Lancashire Music Hub would love to hear if you are joining in with Lancashire Big Sing and you can do this by sharing your participation on the Lancashire Music Hub Twitter and Facebook pages using #lancsbigsing @LancMusicHub

In addition Lancashire Music Hub will be compiling a County-wide video performance of ‘Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes’ and if you would like to be part of this contact for further details.

Lancashire Big Sing is a collaboration between Lancashire Music Service, More Music in Morecambe, Chorley Schools Sports Partnership and the Lancaster and District Schools’ Singing Festival.