National Youth Jazz Orchestra Regional Academy coming to Lancashire

We are thrilled to announce our new long-term collaboration with the National Youth Jazz Orchestra (NYJO) which will see a NYJO Regional Academy launched in the county in early 2019.  With half termly sessions, the academy will deliver jazz education activity that teaches young people the balance of skills that every jazz musicians needs – reading, improvisation, aural & ensemble skills.

This is part of NYJO’s aim to ‘level the playing field for jazz education’ so that young musicians from across the UK have equal opportunities to develop their talents. There is also a NYJO Academy starting in Cumbria as well as existing academies in Wiltshire, Darlington and London.

In the lead up to the Academy’s launch early next year, NYJO’s Music Leader Andrea Vicari and two NYJO musicians will be visiting three schools in Lancashire to host workshops in October.

If you are interested in finding out more about our NYJO Academy, please email