Amplify Youth Board up and running…

We’re delighted to announce the formation of our new Amplify Youth Board, made up of young people from across Lancashire who will be making sure young people have a voice and can influence change at a strategic level in Lancashire Music Hub.

Following our successful music education roadshow in 2021/22 which brought together young people, teachers and representatives from the music education sector, 15 young people nominated themselves to be part of the new board and have already been hard at work setting their priorities and actions for this academic year.

Head of Lancashire Music Service and Lancashire Music Hub lead, Tim Rogers, pledged:

“Lancashire Music Education Hub are committed to listening to the ideas and ambitions of children and young people. We will develop meaningful ways for them to have a voice in our organisation and influence change, so that the musical opportunities we offer are exciting and relevant to their needs and interests.”

The Amplify board will be part of our governance structure and inform the direction and activities of Lancashire Music Hub. They will also be continuing the consultation with a diverse range of children and  young people in the county, as well as connecting with other youth voice groups around the UK.

Sign up to our newsletters to stay in touch with the project and find out about opportunities to get involved.