New for 2023, we are running regular training opportunities for all Primary staff who teach curriculum music, supporting your practice, developing expertise and helping fill in any gaps in knowledge.
Our Training and Quality Manager, Rick Kershaw, will deliver these webinars covering a variety of topics to enable you to give your pupils the best possible experience of music in your schools. Each session will run on the second Thursday of each month, with a different focus each time. Areas that will be covered will include;
- Opening DAWs – an introduction to Digital Audio Workstations
- Using Garageband in the classroom
- Using Charanga’s Yumu and YuStudio DAW platforms in the classroom
- Music Theory 101
- Help! I’m a music co-ordinator get me out of here
- Planning a Primary music curriculum
- Singing for non-singers (this will hopefully be a face to face event)
and other topics TBC. Keep your eye on the website events page for the dates and times, and you can sign up to as many or as few sessions as you like.
These events are aimed at all Primary teachers, not just Music leads. If you have any other areas of focus that you would like to be covered, please email Rick at