What we do

What We Do At the Lancashire Music Hub
We believe that music has the power to inspire and change lives. So we work together to make sure that young people, teachers, musicians, schools and the wider community find great ways to make music and develop their individual skills and talents. In doing so, we’ are fulfilling our duty and our aim to deliver the outcomes of the Government’s National Plan for Music Education.
We do this through:
A massive range of music-making activities in and out of schools including:
- In-school instrumental and singing opportunities
- Out-of-school youth ensembles and orchestras, music groups and bands
- Targeted programmes for primary, secondary, and special educational needs schools
- Large-scale high-quality musical opportunities and experiences
- Programmes for children and young people from challenging circumstances
- Advanced progression for gifted and talented students
- Inspirational workshops and masterclasses
Website and communications activities
Bringing together opportunities for music learning in the County and signposting young people, parents, teachers, school leadership teams, and music educators (from community musicians to private music tutors) to opportunities, information and advice
Support for professionals working with young people through music for example:
- Professional development for primary school class teachers, secondary school heads of music and music teachers, special school teachers, music school heads of music and music teachers, special school teachers, music tutors and music leaders including community musicians and youth workers
- Access to several Charanga digital teaching and learning support programmes for instrumental teachers as well as for Primary, Secondary and SEND teachers
- Networking opportunities for the wider musical community