Schools: Instrumental and Vocal Tuition

Instrumental & Vocal Tuition
From whole class to group lessons to individual one to one tuition, schools can access specialist instrumental and vocal teaching which best meets the needs of their pupils.
Lancashire Music Service is the main provider of instrumental and vocal tuition in schools across the county. School with a Service Level Agreement (SLA) also have access to instruments and online classroom music resources via Charanga Musical School.
We offer pupils the chance to learn woodwind, brass, strings, guitar, ukulele, singing, percussion, drums, keyboard and piano* with our experienced and inspiring teachers and we can lead ensembles in your school. Piano individual lesson only.
The easiest way to buy in tuition and ensemble leadership is through a Service Level Agreement (SLA).
The SLA includes loan and maintenance of instruments and free access to Charanga resources, for schools who buy in for 34 weeks. You can find terms and conditions in our Schools Brochure.
What you need to provide:
- A suitable space
- A designated contact person for the visiting teacher(s)
- Internet access
- Appropriate storage space for instruments
- Music stands (if required)
You can also arrange tuition in school through our Parental
Direct Payment Scheme (PDP)
- PDP can be used for small group and individual tuition
- Invoices go directly to parents
- Commitment to one term at a time
- Lessons can be cancelled at the end of a full term with 6
weeks advance notice in writing - Students provide their own instrument (rental available if
required) - Schools provide space and support for visiting teachers and
assist with communication to parents - Tuition may be cancelled by LMS with half a terms notice if
group numbers become non-viable - Online lessons available
Schools have different ways of covering tuition costs:
- Charging full or part of the cost on the parents.
- Using Pupil Premium.
- Fundraising from PTA or concerts, events etc.
Quick links:

LMS Whole Class Instrumental Tuition (WCIT)
A Lancashire Music Service teacher will visit your school each week to work with the pupils alongside the class teacher and teaching assistants. This inclusive and fun approach to music making provides all pupils (and participating staff!) with a positive experience of both learning an instrument and playing together in an ensemble.
More details

LMS Curriculum Delivery & School Ensembles
Our experienced team, all with Qualified Teacher Status, are specialists in delivering curriculum music in Primary, Secondary, Special and Short Stay Schools, which can be used to cover PPA time.
More details

Lancashire Rocks for Key Stage 3
A highly-successful and practical approach which reflects and builds upon your students existing passion for music for Key Stage 3.
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Recorder World
A one-term recorder programme to introduce young children to instrumental learning. Recorder World is designed to be taught by classroom teachers using an easy-to-use, week-by-week online Charanga resource with optional online access for the children.
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Recorder World
A one-term recorder programme to introduce young children to instrumental learning. Recorder World is designed to be taught by classroom teachers using an easy-to-use, week-by-week online Charanga resource with optional online access for the children.
More details
Quick links: